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Western screen actor Johnny Crawford, who rose to stardom playing Mark McCain on the popular ABC western series The Rifleman, gives an exclusive new interview to talk about his acting & music career and his role in the new western feature film Bill Tilghman and The Outlaws.
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A long lasting friendship between America’s most beloved writer, Mark Twain, and famous businessman Henry “Hell Hound” Rogers begins when Twain is kidnapped by greedy Cattle Baron Carl Dollarhide.
9. Making Bill Tilghman & the Outlaws
Go behind the scenes of the new western feature film from One Eyed Horse Productions called Bill Tilghman & The Outlaws. The film features iconic western actors Robert Carradine, Darby Hinton, Johnny Crawford, Lana Wood, Don Collier & Ken Arnold.
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Meet the outlaws from Bill Tilghman and the Outlaws. Join Robert Carradine, Darby Hinton and Richard Cutting as they discuss their roles in the film and working in the motion picture and television western genre.
11. Runner
When a mysterious cowboy rides into town in his 1977 Road Runner carrying dual hand cannons, the local sheriff is quick to take an interest. The sheriff is determined to find out why the cowboy is there and what it is that he wants, but he soon discovers that things are not what they seem.
12.The Fortune of Robert Lowe
Disgruntled cowhand Robert Lowe finds a path towards redemption in a chance encounter with a death row prisoner and a bible.
2020 Great Lakes Christian Film Festival: Best Actress & Runner Up for Best Actor
Behind the Scenes of Tales of the Wild West
Mark Redfield interviews Sid Blackmer, a host for Tales of the Wild West, and a member of the famous Hollywood Blackmer family.