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We sat down with Writer and Director Wayne Shipley to ask him about what went into creating Day of the Gun.

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Why not? Studios shot on back lots and standing sets forever. It’s about economics. Needless to say, we would have elected to shoot the whole picture in Montana, but our budget would have increased tenfold. Besides, with today’s technology, creating believable environments is not as difficult as it once was.

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I wrote the Abraham Tanner role with Roberts in mind. I needed a face, and his was in my mind as the action and dialog evolved. Of course, we never thought we could convince him to come play with us. On the off chance he would even consider, we sent him a script and madean offer. To make a long story short, he liked his role and agreed. His wife Eliza  was a big help in making arrangements. In a word, the cast and crew found working with Eric a “delight.”

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Art Director Craig Herron found Montana cinematographer Sydney Resel. We hired her to shoot our background plates and the Montana ghost town of Bannack. Sydney’s work was exactly what we needed to create a sense of place. Every background came from Sydney’s camera. She even traveled to our set for a weekend shoot and is currently helping us arrange a Montana screening.

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Westerns are notorious for anachronisms. Even some of the classics make the history purist cringe. I’m proud to say that our production team worked hard to make what we put on the screen period-correct. Armorer Wayne Fletcher is an avid gun collector and knows the 1890s very well. All of the weapons he supplied are correct. Wardrobe, too, was carefully researched by Costume Designer Pat Shipley. Art Director Craig Herron’s set design mirrored countless photos from the time. At some point, however, period correctness and budget collide. Such is the case with tack. While we used period-appearing saddles for many of our tight shots, the discerning historian will occasionally detect a lapse in that department.

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Planes, trains, trucks, motorcycles, jackhammers, chainsaws—you name it, we recorded it while trying to shoot dialog for Day of the Gun. We got to the point that DP Jeff Herberger often shot through intrusive audio knowing that we would have to “fix it in post.” Fixing it fell to Studio Unknown. And fix it they did. They re-recorded several entire scenes, added effects and ambiances, and mixed the score and effects in Dolby 5.1. What a difference! These guys are pros and aren’t happy until they have nailed it.

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We actually built the town of Singletree on my family’s farm in Jessup, MD. Craig Herron did most of the design work. Mark Cardinale, Robert Alexander, and Greg Eichler headed the construction team that worked tirelessly to build a practical saloon, a bank, freight office, newspaper front, post office, mining supply store, eatery, mortuary, and train station.

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Creating Eagle’s Nest as a forbidding, almost other worldly place was essential as a backdrop for Abraham Tanner’s execution of Maggie Carter’s plan to revenge her son’s death. The cave and some of the rock formations are actually very real and less than twenty miles from our base of operation. We shot a full day there, often with green screen backdrops that allowed Craig Herron to integrate much of our Montana footage. Craig also created a matte painting of Eagle’s Nest that perfectly achieves the mood I had envisioned. He even created the soaring eagle whose home has been invaded. A nice touch, indeed.

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A good score reinforces the emotion a scene hopes to evoke. Our composer Lucas Lechowski did a remarkable job of underscoring the visual impact we hoped to create. For me, Lucas’ score is the icing on the cake.

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When we made One-Eyed Horse in 2007, our tiny budget didn’t allow the production value I had always envisioned. We had no visual effects, and no really solid sense of place. Fortunately, we had talented performers who carried the film nobly. Above all else, I learned that when you’re shooting, use as many cameras (and talented shooters) as you can afford under a Director of Photography who understands what you’re trying to achieve. Multiple cameras are absolutely necessary when shooting action sequences and working with animals. Having an AD with a keen eye for composition also allows for two different set ups to be shooting simultaneously.

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We have a children’s series pilot titled Sam and Gracie, featuring a young girl and a mule set again in the 1890s. Sort of Lassie with a mule instead of a collie. We are also looking at a script or two from local writers.